Rollovers • IRA Transfers • Principal Protection • Income Planning • Long-term Care • Life Insurance
- 401(k) Rollovers
- IRA Transfers
- Principal Protection

Who We Are
Petrus Retirement Planning is a financial firm based in Texas, specializing in retirement planning and capital preservation. Our clients come to us seeking safety of principal, a reasonable rate of return over time, and a simple-to-understand approach. We can show you how to protect your IRAs, Roth IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, 457s, annuities, or other financial accounts against market downturns, while providing the opportunity for safe growth and ensuring that you do not outlive your money.
Petrus Retirement Planning is a financial firm based in Texas, specializing in retirement planning and capital preservation. Our clients come to us seeking safety of principal, a reasonable rate of return over time, and a simple-to-understand approach. We can show you how to protect your IRAs, Roth IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, 457s, annuities, or other financial accounts against market downturns, while providing the opportunity for safe growth and ensuring that you do not outlive your money.
What does “retirement” mean?
Many people think of retirement as the day they don’t have to show up for work anymore. However, since many of our clients have a passion for their work, retirement doesn’t necessarily mean you stop working. That’s why we define retirement as having the ability to
work because you WANT to, not because you HAVE to.
Many people think of retirement as the day they don’t have to show up for work anymore. However, since many of our clients have a passion for their work, retirement doesn’t necessarily mean you stop working. That’s why we define retirement as having the ability to work because you WANT to, not because you HAVE to.
Can I retire?
Many people will have Social Security, a company pension, TRS, ERS, or some other income stream which can provide a stable income during their later years. They also rely on the financial assets they have accumulated, and they often worry that they might not have enough to last their entire lifetime, especially as they begin to consider the probability of health issues and possible market declines. Here at Petrus Retirement Planning, we believe there are three financial principles which can help you retire comfortably:
Can I retire?
Many people will have Social Security, a company pension, TRS, ERS, or some other income stream which can provide a stable income during their later years. They also rely on the financial assets they have accumulated, and they often worry that they might not have enough to last their entire lifetime, especially as they begin to consider the probability of health issues and possible market declines. Here at Petrus Retirement Planning, we believe there are three financial principles which can help you retire comfortably:

Safety First
Earning money is one thing. Keeping it is another!
Our clients come to us seeking safety first. Many people have worked their entire lives to build up their retirement accounts, and the last thing they want is to potentially lose any of it due to a market downturn.
We believe that the older we get, the more conservative we ought to be. We often hear from our clients, for example, that while a gain of 30% in their portfolio would certainly be nice, it probably wouldn’t change their lifestyle very much at this stage of their lives. However, they tell us that a LOSS of 30% in their portfolio, on the other hand, would certainly be a concern.
At Petrus Retirement Planning, we show our clients how they can protect both their principal and interest gains against market losses, while also earning a reasonable rate of return over time and guaranteeing that they will never run out of money. Our clients sleep well at night knowing that if they were to turn on the news and see that the market had just crashed, their accounts from us will never suffer any losses.
If you’re seeking safety for your IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), 403(b), 457, Non-qualified account, lump-sum pension amount, or any other financial accounts, call (832) 730-3000 to schedule a free consultation.

Reasonable Rate of Return
If you’re like most investors out there, you love it when the market rises and you see big returns, but you hate it when the market goes down and you end up losing money. We tend to brag to our friends about our gains but stay suspiciously quiet when we suffer losses.
What if you could move money into an account which follows a Stock Market Index, and when the Index goes up, you have the opportunity to earn interest; but when the Index goes down, you don’t lose any of your principal or interest gains? What if you never had to worry about a downturn in the market ever again? Would you sleep better? Our clients do.
If you’re looking for a reasonable, conservative rate of return, while suffering zero market losses on an IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), 403(b), 457, Non-qualified account, lump-sum pension amount, or any other financial accounts, call (832) 730-3000 to schedule a free consultation.

Keep It Simple
We understand how complicated it can seem out there while trying to figure out what to do with your hard-earned money. Even just reading your own statements can often be frustrating. Many people have an unclear understanding of how much they're paying in fees on their accounts or what kind of risks they're taking with their money, and they're often afraid to ask questions because other advisors have made them feel stupid.
We can help.
One of our main goals at Petrus Retirement Planning is to keep it simple for our clients. We believe in a straightforward, easy-to-understand approach, taking the time to answer all of the questions our clients have before any new steps might be taken. We believe that our clients sleep better at night when they understand all of the benefits and drawbacks of their retirement strategies, and they are able to explain their strategy to their family and friends.
If you would like your questions answered in a simple and straightforward manner on an IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), 403(b), 457, Non-qualified account, lump-sum pension amount, or any other financial accounts, call (832) 730-3000 to schedule a free consultation.